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Safety Tips for Gas Heating

With winter’s arrival, it’s essential to guarantee the safe operation of your gas heating system. ProFlush, boasting years of industry experience, is dedicated to ensuring your home remains a warm and secure retreat. Our team of experts is on hand to provide comprehensive checks and maintenance, ensuring your heating solutions are not only effective but […]


Key Skills Sydney Gas Plumbers Must-Have

If you’re residing in Sydney and searching for a reliable gas plumber, it’s crucial to know the skills that set the professionals apart. ProFlush is a reputable agency in Sydney, boasting a team of skilled gas plumbers ready to tackle any challenge. In this article, we’ll dive into the essential skills that every gas plumber […]


Burst Pipe Emergency Solutions

We’ve all been there: You’re minding your own business, and suddenly, a burst pipe turns your peaceful day into a waterlogged nightmare. But fear not, as Proflush has got your back. In this post, we’ll dive deep into what to do during a burst pipe emergency and how to prevent it from happening again. Stick […]


Gas Heating Maintenance Checklist

As winter approaches, ensuring a warm and comfortable environment within our homes becomes paramount, predominantly through the use of gas heaters. ProFlush is committed to assisting you in guaranteeing that your heating system is not only optimally efficient but also adheres to safety standards. This article delineates a comprehensive gas heating maintenance checklist to enhance […]

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5 Physical Symptoms That Gas Leaks Cause

The use of natural gas is common among homeowners and commercial businesses. In fact, most homeowners and commercial businesses rely heavily on natural gas for cooking or work purposes. According to Energy Networks, gas distribution networks connect around 5.1 million households in Australia to natural gas. Natural gas is one of the fastest-growing energy sources in […]

man fixing the water pipe


4 Reasons to Not Attempt A DIY Gas Plumbing Repair

With the availability of thousands of guides and how-to’s on the internet, most individuals are learning more about fixing plumbing issues on their own. From repairing a general leak to fixing a clogged drain, people are tempted to attempt a DIY plumbing job and solve the issues easily. Similarly, a simple google search on “how […]